Here is a teaching, simple as it is direct, explicitly given to set free the power and presence of God in your life, as your life. The Infinite Way came as a divine revelation to Joel Goldsmith, something that unfolded from the inside. What is clearly recognized within the dozens of spiritually inspired books that he authored and the over 1300 hours of recorded talks, is a man that has been so completely infused by the power of the Spirit, that he serves as a beacon of illumination and initiation, a powerhouse of spiritual healing, and a fountain of profound sacred teachings for "all who are weary and heavy laden," and who thirst for the water of Life.
Living The Infinite Way introduces us to the foundational teachings for entering into the direct current of the Infinite Way. We will study and contemplate together the all-good, all-powerful, and all-sufficient nature of God, learning how to increasingly depend upon Him in all instances and in every circumstance. This will better prepare us and fine-tune our discernment capacities to know how to navigate and enter the Silence of meditation, where we rest in and commune with the all-pervading is-ness of the Holy Spirit at the.very heart of our "I." Inner and outer harmony greatly increases as we learn how to accept and operate in the limitless Law of God; forgiving and seeing beyond limiting appearances of lack and insecurity. Finally, a major part of this teaching is coming to accept Christ's offer of divine healing. As Joel puts it, "Healing is an activity of the Christ; it is an activity of God's understanding. The moment we open our consciousness to the flow of God and stop all this nonsense about our understanding and our good and bad behavior, we can be assured of this: The flow of God will erase and purify whatever of error or deed is in our thought today and will wipe out all penalty for past infractions. We must come into the realization that it is not our understanding that does this, but God's, and we must come out from the Judaic ideas and beliefs of a God of punishment and reward. God is love. God is life."
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